PopEx World Account Deletion Process

Last Modified: June 12, 2024


PopEx World Provides a “Delete Account” feature within the game. In order to delete your account and remove all related information including your in-game progress and collectibles complete the following steps. Please be aware that your account can not be recovered if you complete these steps and will be permanently removed:

Open the PopEx World game on your device

Log in using your username and password

When you arrive on the Map screen, select the “Settings” button in the top right (image of a cog)

When in the “Settings” menu, tap the “Advanced Settings” button

When in the “Advanced Settings” menu, tap the red “Delete Account” button

You will be prompted to confirm. Read the implication and if you agree, tap the “Yes, Delete Account” button

This will then delete your account* and return you to the register screen. Your account has now been deleted and you can no longer log in.


* If you have not logged in for sometime you may be prompted to log in first. Accept the prompt and log in to the system. This is to confirm the account holder is requested the account deletion. When you are logged in, follow the instructions above and this time the account will be deleted.


If you have any issues and are unable to delete using the in game account deletion feature, please contact Popex World at hello@popex.net

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